Experienced Bankruptcy And Real Estate Lawyers In Syracuse ATTORNEY ADVERTISING
Call Us Today 866-426-2606

Personalized Services To Guide You Down The Road To Financial Health

We draw on more than 75 years of combined experience to help clients through a difficult time to a debt-free tomorrow.

Don’t Wait. Contact Us To Get Meaningful Debt Relief.

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Effective Bankruptcy And Real Estate Solutions

Whitelaw & Fangio is an established law firm in Syracuse, dedicated to reducing stress for our clients while obtaining effective results. Our primary focus is on bankruptcy and real estate transactions in central New York. We know that few legal challenges hit closer to home than those that impact your financial stability as directly as debt relief and real property concerns. Our lawyers have more than 75 years of combined experience in these, often interrelated, practice areas.

Based in Syracuse, New York, we serve Onondaga County and surrounding areas.

One-On-One Guidance To A Better — Debt-Free — Tomorrow

We will stand strong by your side every step of the way, and keep you up-to-date about each step to allow you to understand the process. We believe that this forward-thinking approach allows our clients to focus on their debt-free future to ease the anxiety that is far too often associated with bankruptcy cases. Our solid dedication to the interests of our clients is backed with the seasoned legal judgment our attorneys have earned from decades of experience helping people in central New York obtain a fresh start.

Call To Arrange A Free Consultation To Discuss Your Debt Relief Options

The first thing you can do to get started on regaining control of your life is to schedule a free initial consultation with a skilled bankruptcy attorney. Call Whitelaw & Fangio at 866-426-2606 or send us a message using our online contact form to arrange a confidential meeting. We will fully review your situation and provide practical guidance to help you conquer your debt problems.

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.


Whitelaw & Fangio
247 West Fayette Street
3rd Floor
Hogan Block Building
Syracuse, NY 13202

Toll Free: 866-426-2606
Fax: 315-472-7816
Map & Directions